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Le Chat Noir, Montmartre, Paris


Erik and Suzanne a Dada piece

(for Erik Satie, composer and Suzanne Valadon, painter)

Their eyes crossed in Chat Noir Black Cat

Medusa’s snare? or menus for childish purposes

Did she invite him to her room? in riding habit

Veritable flabby preludes pour un chien for a dog

Their eyes met la belle excentrique eccentric beauty

Chapters turned every which way she who talks too little

Carrier of big stones this was before the Great War

Little beginning of the day march of the grand staircase

All that happened in another world

The Great War came and went Erik alone after-hours café

Suzanne entered the Black Cat gone

Rain so heavy the Seine overflowed water seeping everywhere

Apparitions through the window did it happen? why remember it all?

3 distinguished waltzes of the disabused affected man

Lilliputian waltzes his waist his pince-nez his legs

3 pieces in the form of a pear Suzanne’s stare

Medusa’s snare? why remember it all?

3 next-to-last thoughts Erik still shy in his youth

Desiccated embryos the uninformed call them cucumbers

Sessile eyes without stalks immobile awakening the bride

Paper fugue blind man’s buff apparitions through the window

Suzanne leaves even the moon no words only glances Erik remains alone


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